New × [Robot + Website + Funding Round]

Dalma Robotics
1 min readOct 19, 2021


Dear friends and partners,

The moment has come. The moment for Dalma to take yet another step. As of today, we are formally launching our new fundraising round.

We are finally getting our first paying customers, but hardware is a pain and expensive, especially when coupled with the need for a strong software backbone. It’s not rocket science but it’s a close second.

Thus, this round aims to support and boost our first sales, and hopefully achieve Series A-worthy growth during 2022. If you believe that Dalma Robotics is a venture you would like to be a part of contact us.

Accompanying this, we are also launching our new website. Still homemade, though. The good ol’ startup way.

Our new website focuses on the client and business development while keeping the transparency of who Dalma is, what we do, and how we do it.

We have high hopes it can prove a decent pillar for our next stage of growth.

Let us know what you think, and tell your friends!

