Dalma Systems is now Dalma Robotics

Dalma Robotics
2 min readApr 21, 2021


They say organizations are organic (hence the “orga”, I guess). That’s one of those clichés that could be stapled right next to “people are organizations’ most important asset”. Except they aren’t. An asset, I mean. And if they are, that stands in direct contradiction with the organizations are organic stuff. But I digress…

Anyway, back on topic: organizations are organic; we believe they do evolve in an organic manner (if you let them) and so does Dalma. Our latest evolution is the following: we changed our name.

Well, half of it anyway. Dalma Systems is now Dalma Robotics (*fireworks*, *fanfare*).

This change is something we have been discussing for a loooong, long time. We believe “Robotics” better reflects our current path and plans, whereas “Systems” has served its purpose during a time the company might have had a broader scope. In any case, both are registered trademarks and we remain Dalma, because we are Dalma indeed.

To reflect this evolution our logo has also been slightly modified. It’s not really a new logo but more of an update, a symbolic token of change and evolution. It’s a live logo, and at this point it doesn’t matter that much, since this home-made logo was meant as placeholder anyway. In fact, we challenge the artists out there who would like to be part of Dalma’s history to offer their assistance in the quest for a more professional and distinctive logo. Paid assistance, of course. We may not be Lannisters, but we always pay our debts.


